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We’ll get back to you ASAP. Our fastest response times are always through phone calls. Call our bed bug experts for a free consultation!
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(253) 234-9179
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Frequently Asked Questions
Question: Will you have “BED BUGS” all over your truck?
Answer: Our trucks have discrete branding. No one will know you have bed bugs, unless you tell them!
Question: How long will the treatment take?
Answer: The treatment will take about 45 minutes per room, on average. Sometimes it’s less, but we like to give you an overestimate rather than the opposite.
Question: Do I need to stay in a hotel for the night that you do the heat treatment?
Answer: Nope! Just wait 2 hours after we finish and you’re welcome to come back. It may be a little warm, so if you would like us to run some cooler air in there before we go, just ask!
Question: Is your chemical harmful to kids or pets?
Answer: The chemical is harmless when dry, though if you touch it wet it can irritate your skin. Doesn’t affect everyone, though!
Question: When can I come back home after the heat treatment?
Answer: You can come back home 2 hours after the treatment. This gives the home time to cool down naturally and for the chemical to dry!
Question: Do I need to remove all the bedding off my bed before the heat treatment?
Answer: You do not need to remove any of the bedding – we want to lull the bed bugs into a false sense of security by not disrupting them, so keep everything as normal as you can!